Across two centuries, our alumnae and supporters have left legacy gifts that advance Visitation in countless ways— from unrestricted support for the whole of our mission to dedicated funds that sustain key programs, scholarships, and endowed positions in perpetuity.
The great majority of legacy gifts are invested in Visitation’s endowment fund. Our endowment is our foundation of permanent assets that provide perennial support for our students, faculty, programs, and facilities. Endowed funds are invested for long-term growth, and each year, a portion of the investment return is used to fund Visitation’s work, while the principal continues to grow. Over time, the impact of an endowed gift far exceeds that of any other kind of philanthropic investment.
There are many simple ways to make an impactful gift – often one that is larger than you ever thought possible – with careful and thoughtful planning. Supporting Visitation is supporting a way of life that encompasses faith, values, academic excellence, tradition, and service to others.